EventsNews 17th November 2017 World Prematurity Day in the Rotunda Hospital The Rotunda Hospital and The Rotunda Foundation celebrated World Prematurity Day on Friday 17th of… rotunda Love3
BlogNews 16th November 2017 ‘Tentacles for Tinies’ Initiative launched These crocheted octopuses from The Rotunda Foundation and the Rotunda Knitters are helping comfort the premature babies in our… research Love6
News 19th October 2017 Rotunda GP-Connect Autumn 2017 Welcome to the Rotunda GP Connect I am delighted to introduce you to the first… rotunda Love0
NewsResearch 7th September 2017 The Rotunda Hospital launches new ‘Innovation Hub’ Launching the Rotunda Innovation Hub at the Rotunda Innovation Day. (L-R) Les Corbett, Health and… rotunda Love1
NewsResearch 26th April 2017 Rotunda Researchers Awarded €1.4 million Rotunda Hospital researchers awarded €1.4 million to help avoid life-threatening pregnancy complications Researchers from the… rotunda Love1
News 15th February 2017 Perinatal Palliative Care in Ireland highlighted at The Rotunda Hospital Neonatal and obstetric consultants, midwives, nurses and parents gathered on Wednesday 15th February in The… rotunda Love2
NewsResearch 7th February 2017 Rotunda Hospital Research Honoured at SMFM Perinatal Ireland research honoured at international Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine Conference in Las Vegas,… rotunda Love2
News 15th November 2016 The latest Flu Vaccine Information for Pregnant Women The most up to date information on the Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme 2022/2023 for Pregnant… rotunda Love1
News 3rd November 2016 Minister for Health visits The Rotunda Hospital Minister for Health, Simon Harris visits The Rotunda Hospital 03rd November, 2016: Minister for Health, Simon… rotunda Love1
News 29th October 2016 The Rotunda Exceeds National Compliance Targets The Rotunda Hospital exceeds national compliance targets in latest HIQA report - Hand hygiene compliance… rotunda Love1