
And Complaints

Your service your say. We are committed to reviewing and improving all aspects of our service and we support the HSE’s 'your service, your say' initiative.

Feedback & Complaints

If you are not satisfied with any part of the care or service you receive in the Rotunda, please speak with the person in charge of the area and tell them of your concern.

If this does not resolve the issue or if you were unable to speak with the person in charge, you can contact our Head of Quality and Patient Safety.

Complaints Section,
Quality and Patient Safety Department,
The Rotunda Hospital,
Parnell Square,
Dublin 1.
[email protected]

The Patient Advocacy Service

The Patient Advocacy Service provides a free, independent and confidential service to help people making or intending to make a complaint in relation to the care they have received. They also provide support to patients following a patient safety incident.

For further information, please email [email protected]
or call their national helpline 0818 293003.

Patient Experience Survey

As part of our commitment to reviewing and improving the care and services we provide, a patient experience survey is undertaken every year. This gives women an opportunity to give us valuable feedback on their own experience while attending the Rotunda. It identifies what is working well and also areas that can be improved upon. The survey findings are discussed at the Quality and Safety Committee meeting and priority areas for action are identified

Patient Experience Survey Results