Exceptional Patient Care

Maternity Hospital of Choice

See our care options
Becoming a Mother

The Pregnancy Journey

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Keeping you Safe at the Rotunda Hospital
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Outpatients has moved to The Rotunda Hampson House
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The COVID-19 Vaccine is recommended at any time during pregnancy
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RSV Immunisation Programme
Click here for more info

The Rotunda Hospital is a Smoke Free Campus. Smoking in the grounds of the Hospital, or near the entrances to the Hospital is strictly forbidden.

Visitor Information
  • One named, nominated companion may join for labour & birth, on inpatient wards, booking visit, 20-22 week anomaly scan, early pregnancy assessment scans, and the emergency room.
  • For other routine outpatient appointments information, please check visitor information

Inpatient Ward Visiting Hours (GPN, Lillie, PSNT A&B & Gynae): 

  • Nominated Support Person from 8am – 8pm.
  • Patients will be issued with a second visitor card which may be used to allow a second visitor (Grandparents) to attend between 4pm – 8pm.
  • For other inpatient visiting information, please check visitor information

NICU Visiting Hours

  • Parents can visit from 9am – 7.30pm daily.
  • Inpatients, may visit at any time. You can discuss this with the nurse looking after your baby as this may need to be tailored to your baby’s individual needs.
  • Extended family, other children/siblings cannot visit the NICU.
  • For other NICU visiting information, please check visitor information

More Information for Nominated Support Person (NSP) and support during during labour and birth.

If you, or your partner, have recently tested positive for COVID-19, have symptoms of COVID-19, are a close contact of a COVID-positive case, or are waiting on the results of a COVID test, please do not come into the Hospital.

The Rotunda continues to make every effort to accommodate exceptions to our visiting policy on compassionate grounds when the need arises.

Patient Care
  • Colposcopy clinic: 01 817 6841
  • Community midwifery services: 01 817 6849/01 817 6850
  • Early pregnancy unit: 01 817 6846
  • Prenatal diagnosis: 01 872 6572
  • Ultrasound department: 01 817 1790
All Contact Numbers
Hospital Info.
  • Day assessment unit:01 817 2524
  • Medical social work: 01 817 1722
  • Paediatric outpatients: 01 817 1728
  • Private clinic: 01 874 2115
  • Patient accounts: 01 817 1763 or 01 817 1764
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – N.I.C.U.

Around 10% of babies will require admission to the neonatal unit.  A large number of our patients are born less than 32 weeks gestation and weigh less than 1500 grams. Small premature babies (born before 34 weeks gestation) and sick bigger babies will be admitted to the neonatal unit for observation, treatment and ongoing care.

More About N.I.C.U.

Just Pregnant

What type of care do you want? As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, contact the hospital so we can schedule your first antenatal visit (or booking visit). We aim to see women for their booking visit between 12-14 weeks gestation. More Info

Labour & Birth

Labour and the birth of your baby is one of the most exciting journeys that you will ever go through. After all the anticipation and planning, you will finally get to hold your baby that has been kicking away inside you for months.

More Info

Women's Health

Gynaecology is the clinical area that focuses on the health of the female reproductive system. Our team provides care to women with general and specialised gynaecological problems.

More Info

Commemorative Plaque celebrating the original site of the Rotunda’s First Lying-In Hospital

The site of the Rotunda’s First Lying-In Hospital at 60 South Great Georges Street, now…

Rotunda Hospital Annual Report 2023

"On the 1st January 2023, I was incredibly honoured to take up the post of…
Rotunda GP Connect Ezine June 2024

Rotunda GP Connect – Issue 21 – June 2024

It is my pleasure to write an introduction for the 21st edition of the Rotunda…

We're looking for Midwives and Nurses to join The Rotunda family

I felt extremely upset and nervous when we received the news of the miscarriage, however the staff of the Rotunda gave us great care and support to help us get though the difficult time. We're hoping that we'll be returning there again in the near future for happier times and feel reassured that we will be treated well.


No fetal heart detected at the anatomy scan. Whilst this was the worst possible news, I just wanted to recognise the unbelievable support we received. Difficult conversations were had in a very sensitive way. The Rotunda can be either the happiest or saddest place in the world. Thank you to everyone for all the care and support received in our darkest times.

JohnCare and Support

I was part of the community midwives scheme. I would like to report how amazing every midwife I came in contact with was. So extremely helpful and reassuring, no question was too big or small for them. Every member of staff in The Rotunda were absolutely amazing, doctors, midwives, admissions, cleaners, caterers - I could not fault a thing. Food was fantastic, every day I was excited and pleased with what was on the menu and have been talking about this non-stop since getting home!

CiaraAmazing Community Midwives

We had a wonderful birthing experience and that is due to the staff in the Rotunda. We encountered numerous wonderfully kind and knowledgeable staff who were only too happy to help answer our many questions. For two very nervous first time parents, we left the Rotunda feeling confident that we could take care of our bundle of joy.

GraceWonderful Birthing Experience

From the minute I registered with the semi private clinic to discharge the standard of care provided by your staff was exceptional. I attended the hypnobirthing and yoga classes which really helped us in our journey to parenthood. At every stage the staff took time to explain everything to me and in particular the midwives were so caring and helpful throughout.

MarianneStandard of Care

Nik from Spain delivered our baby Tara yesterday. They were all just so amazing, supportive, calming, professional, and nice to be around. I was contracting for 36 hours and felt so very happy to be there. Not a minute that I wished I was at home for whatever reason. Midwives were amazing! All of them from start to the end. Very grateful.

KikiMidwives were amazing!

I cannot recommend this hospital and its staff highly enough. From the empathetic but honest manner in which they helped my husband and I deal with the heartbreak of three miscarriages to the care and reassurance they provided throughout the course of two subsequent successful pregnancies, I can honestly say that the staff are angels in disguise. You will not receive better ante/ post natal care anywhere!

TrishAngels in disguise

Great hospital, with wonderful staff. I had my baby girl there 2 weeks ago and everything was perfect! Was an amazing experience and I highly recommend this hospital! Thank you to all the people that took care of me and my baby girl.

Anne MarieThank you!

Visited the Rotunda for an elective day case procedure and I have to say I couldn't fault them! From the admitting nurse to the anaesthetist they were amazing! They took my fears seriously and did everything they could. Special mention to Gynae nurses Mikey, Michelle and Ellen. Thank you so much for your kindness, hopefully will be back for a happier event.

Sarah AnneThey took my fears seriously

It would be wrong to leave without writing to tell you how much I have enjoyed the amazing food I received during my two week stint here. I know it's unusual to like hospital food and believe me, I can be fussy enough but I honestly couldn't have had nicer, healthier and tastier meals anywhere and they were something to look forward to when the days got long! And it wasn't just me who liked it, the other girls loved it too! What's more, the catering staff were all so lovely and friendly and served everything with a smile! Three cheers for y'all and thank you!

SineadSomething to look forward to