Bun venit la spitalul Rotunda Hospital Dublin

Opţiuni de asistenţă

Pentru viitorul maică

Informații privind maternitatea
Ore de Vizită

De luni până duminică, între 6.30 pm şi 8.30 pm.
Există şi ore generale de vizită sâmbetele, duminicile şi sărbătorile legale între 2.00 pm şi 4.00 pm.

Pot intra în acelaşi timp doar doi vizitatori şi partenerul pacientei sau persoana desemnată.

Politica de vizitare, parcării, mijloace de transport în comun şi mai multe informații.

informaţii Vizitator
01 817 1700
Parnell Square, Dublin 1
DO1 P5W9
Patient Care
  • Unitatea de Colposcopie: 01 817 6841
  • Serviciul Moaşelor Comunale: 01 817 6849/01 817 6850
  • Unitatea pentru faza incipientă a sarcinii: 01 817 6846
  • Prenatal diagnosis: 01 8726572
  • Ultrasound department: 01 817 1790
All Contact Numbers
Hospital Info.
  • Day assessment unit:01 817 2524
  • Medical social work: 01 817 1722
  • Paediatric outpatients: 01 817 1728
  • Private clinic: 01 874 2115
  • Patient accounts: 01 817 1763 or 01 817 1764
Secţia Neonatal Unit (Nou-născuţi)

Deşi majoritatea bebeluşilor sunt sănătoşi la naştere, circa 10% vor fi internaţi în secţia de nou-născuţi. O mare parte dintre copiii de aici se nasc la mai puţin de 32 de săptămâni şi cântăresc sub 1500 de grame. Bebeluşii născuţi prematur (sub 34 de săptămâni) şi bebeluşii ceva mai mari, dar care sunt bolnavi, vor fi internaţi în secţia de nou-născuţi pentru observaţie, tratament şi asistenţă permanentă.

Mai Multe Informatii Nou-născuţi
Serviciile de Sprijin

Pentru informaţii suplimentare, poţi descărca broşura noastră Parent’s Guide to the Neonatal Unit (Ghidul părinţilor în secţia de nou-născuţi), aici. Este disponibilă o versiune în poloneză aici.

Ncipientă a Sarcinii

What type of care do you want? Once you find out that you are pregnant, contact the hospital and request an appointment for your first visit.This should take place between 12 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.

More Info

Travaliul & Naşterea

Labour and the birth of your baby is one of the most exciting journeys that you will ever go through. After all the anticipation and planning, you will finally get to hold your baby that has been kicking away inside you for months.

More Info

Sanatatea Femeilor

Gynaecology is the clinical area that focuses on the health of the female reproductive system. Our team provides care to women with general and specialised gynaecological problems.

More Info

Donate Today

Become a member of The Rotunda Foundation.
Help provide funding for on-going Research Programmes.

Have to say great hospital staff are great, food is lovely. Had my baby girl there and two boys. I recommend anyone to have a baby there, they’ve always been great to me.


Nik from Spain delivered our baby Tara yesterday. They were all just so amazing, supportive, calming, professional, and nice to be around. I was contracting for 36 hours and felt so very happy to be there. Not a minute that I wished I was at home for whatever reason. Midwives were amazing! All of them from start to the end. Very grateful.


I cannot recommend this hospital and its staff highly enough. From the empathetic but honest manner in which they helped my husband and I deal with the heartbreak of three miscarriages to the care and reassurance they provided throughout the course of two subsequent successful pregnancies, I can honestly say that the staff are angels in disguise. You will not receive better ante/ post natal care anywhere!

Anne Marie

Great hospital, with wonderful staff. I had my baby girl there 2 weeks ago and everything was perfect! Was an amazing experience and I highly recommend this hospital! Thank you to all the people that took care of me and my baby girl.

Sarah Anne

Visited the Rotunda for an elective day case procedure and I have to say I couldn't fault them! From the admitting nurse to the anaesthetist they were amazing! They took my fears seriously and did everything they could. Special mention to Gynae nurses Mikey, Michelle and Ellen. Thank you so much for your kindness, hopefully will be back for a happier event.