News 22nd November 2019 Rotunda Success at the Irish Healthcare Awards The Rotunda Hospital along with our academic partners in the Royal College of Surgeons in… rotunda Love0
NewsResearch 10th October 2019 Key Plastics & Rotunda Hospital to launch new invention of Umbifunnel Device -New device for collecting umbilical cord blood is safer, faster, more efficient, and more versatile-… rotunda Love1
News 10th June 2019 Rotunda GP-Connect Summer 2019 Welcome to our sixth edition of the Rotunda GP Connect E-zine- our regular communication tool to… rotunda Love1
EventsNewsResearch 8th June 2018 SoundStart initiative to train sonographers around Ireland, launched today. A fundraiser luncheon, held in Cliff Townhouse on 8th June, raised money for a new… rotunda Love1
BlogResearch 21st March 2018 Down Syndrome Research at the Heart of the Rotunda In Ireland, roughly 1 in 500 births are to babies with Down Syndrome. That is… rotunda Love3
NewsResearch 7th September 2017 The Rotunda Hospital launches new ‘Innovation Hub’ Launching the Rotunda Innovation Hub at the Rotunda Innovation Day. (L-R) Les Corbett, Health and… rotunda Love1
NewsResearch 26th April 2017 Rotunda Researchers Awarded €1.4 million Rotunda Hospital researchers awarded €1.4 million to help avoid life-threatening pregnancy complications Researchers from the… rotunda Love1
NewsResearch 7th February 2017 Rotunda Hospital Research Honoured at SMFM Perinatal Ireland research honoured at international Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine Conference in Las Vegas,… rotunda Love2