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    Genetic or Chromosomal Disorder

    How we will support you if there is an abnormality or problem identified with your baby.

    While most women give birth to healthy babies, about 3% will have a major birth defect. Most of these result from either a genetic or chromosomal disorder. When this happens we will provide parents with expert personal counselling and support and detailed information so that they can be involved in making decisions about their care. We will support you no matter what decisions you make about your pregnancy.

    All the doctors and midwife specialists who work in the fetal medicine centre have had special training in diagnosing abnormalities and in supporting couples who are attending the clinic. They work very closely with the paediatric team, specialist consultants in the paediatric hospitals and with the bereavement support team, where appropriate. Weekly multidisciplinary team meetings are held to discuss patients and assist with planning the management and care for the pregnancy and birth. We will provide you with the contact details and information on the relevant support groups and organisations.

    Please see the following websites for information on some genetic or chromosomal conditions:

    National Centre for Medical Genetics
    Down’s Syndrome PatientVideo
    Support Organisation for Trisomy 13/18 (SOFT)

    If we know that a baby may be stillborn or may not live for long after birth, parents may also wish to contact a bereavement support organisation when the diagnosis has been made. They provide helpful and important information to help and support parents at the time they are told the sad news that their baby has died or is expected to die shortly after birth.

    Please see the following websites for information on these bereavement support groups and to view their information booklets.

    A Little Lifetime Foundation

    in Fetal Medicine Tags: chromosomalgenetic