Welcome to our eighth edition of the Rotunda GP Connect E-zine- Our regular communication tool to update our referral General Practitioners on the latest developments at the Rotunda, including providing educational updates on our clinical services.
Firstly, I would like to wish a happy and healthy New Year to all of our referral doctors as we look forward to an exciting 2020 filled with new innovations with our clinical services. The Rotunda remains the busiest maternity hospital in Ireland, delivering 8,411 babies and caring for over 9,500 mothers in 2019. Despite falling birth rates throughout Ireland, the Rotunda has solidified its position as the busiest maternity hospital in Dublin and Ireland, due to natural population growth in its catchment area and the increasing popularity of the Rotunda in public perception. Indeed, the second series of the acclaimed television documentary, The Rotunda, has further enhanced the reputation of the hospital amongst the general public, resulting in increased demands for our services.
At the end of 2019 we completed the first full year since we were the first to roll out pregnancy termination services following the repeal of the Eighth Amendment in 2018. This has been an excellent example of mutual collaboration and support between primary care and hospital-based health services, with the Rotunda’s Pregnancy Options Service working closely to support our referral GPs.
We have also recruited additional consultant obstetrician-gynaecologists and other allied health professionals to further expand our clinical service offerings. One of our major goals for 2020 will be to increase the capacity for routine gynaecology referrals, both at traditional gynaecology clinics and at “one stop/ see and treat” outpatient hysteroscopy clinics.
We plan a further GP Educational Study Evening on March 25, 2020, and I hope to welcome as many of you as possible to what will be another effective meeting to enhance knowledge of our services and troubleshooting how best to get the most out of our clinical partnership.
As always, I remain constantly available for direct communication with you if at any time you are having challenges accessing our services or indeed if you have any ideas on how best to improve our service offering to our GP community
Yours sincerely,
Professor Fergal Malone,
Master, The Rotunda Hospital
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In this issue:
Our next GP Study Evening on the 25th of March
Meet our expanded team of Consultants in our Private and Semi-Private services.
Ms Deirdre Daly, Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD, introduces the new, free, online educational course, Women’s Health After Motherhood (WHAM).
Fergal O’Shaughnessy provides an update on Ondansetron as a potential treatment option for women with Hyperemisis Gravidarum
Dr Vicky O’Dwyer, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, overviews the Rotunda Hospital Colposcopy Service
Patricia Butler, Bereavement Support Midwife, outlines our Bereavement Service in the Rotunda Hospital
Save the Dates!
25th March – GP Study Evening
22nd April – Practice and Public Health Nurse Study Evening
5th May – Safe in our Hands Conference – Celebrating World Hand Hygiene Day and International Day of the Midwife