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    SATU Services in Ireland

    For more information about the SATU services in Ireland, please visit


    You can also get help from your local Garda station in person or by phone. Contact details for your local Garda station –

    Rape Crisis Centre

    If you were sexually assaulted at any time in your life, the Rape Crisis Centre can help. They offer advice and support on where to go depending on your situation.

    Freephone: 1800 77 88 88 (24-hour helpline)

    Accompaniment Support Service for Children (A.S.S.C.)

    Accompaniment Support Service for Children (A.S.S.C.) was set up in 2020 to address the needs of young people as they negotiate their way through the Criminal Justice System. Our service provides accompaniment and advocacy for young people and their families at different stages through the justice system

    Rape Crisis Network Ireland

    Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) is the national representative body for Rape Crisis Centres in Ireland, The RCNI role includes the development and coordination of national projects, supporting Rape Crisis Centres to reach quality assurance standards using expertise to influence national policy and social change. The RCNI is a national information and resource centre on all aspects of sexual violence, with a proven capacity in strategic leadership including contributing and advising on the necessary infra-structure for a national response to all aspects of sexual violence.


    in SATU