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    Perineal Clinic

    The complicated postnatal care (‘perineal’) clinic provides care to women who have experienced anal sphincter injury during the birth of their baby, both in the immediate postnatal period or when women are pregnant again after a previous injury.

    The clinic works closely with the physiotherapy department. An anal sphincter injury occurs when there is a tear from the vagina into the back passage. A third degree tear is where the ring of muscle around the back passage (anal sphincter) is damaged during birth. A fourth degree tear is where the tear goes as far as the anal canal (inside the back passage).

    Other Complications

    This clinic also provides care for women who have other problems after the birth of their baby, for example, perineal pain, dyspareunia (pain on sexual intercourse) or a perineal wound infection. Women are usually referred to this clinic from within the Rotunda, but GP referral for delayed postnatal complications are accepted. The clinic also has links with the department of colorectal surgery in the Mater Hospital and the pain clinic in Beaumont Hospital for any women who require referral. The clinic also provides care for women who have experienced FGM and works in close collaboration with the HSE funded FGM clinic at IFPA (

    FGM Information Leaflet

    FGM Information Leaflet – English

    FGM Information Leaflet – Arabic

    FGM Information Leaflet – Somali

    2 Weeks

    Any women with a 3rd or 4th degree tear following birth will have been seen by the physiotherapist around 2 weeks after the birth. Further appointments with the physiotherapist will be arranged as necessary.

    6 Weeks

    These women are referred for a special review at this clinic around 6 weeks after birth to ensure that their recovery has been satisfactory. Their labour and the birth of their baby as well as planning care for any future pregnancies and births are discussed. The clinic is run by Dr Maeve Eogan, consultant obstetrician & gynaecologist.


    in Gynae Clinics Tags: perineal