There is a lay Roman Catholic chaplain available Monday to Friday. The chaplain is available to people of all faiths and of no specific faith. Chaplains and ministers from the Church of Ireland, Methodist, the Presbyterian Churches and all other faiths are available to visit the Rotunda on request.
The chaplaincy service includes:
- meeting and supporting families once a serious or life-threatening problem has been confirmed;
- supporting families with babies in the Neonatal Unit;
- providing and saying blessings or prayers, when requested;
- arranging the sacrament of Baptism in very special circumstances;
- providing support to bereaved families;
- preparing and leading removal services from the hospital mortuary chapel;
- co-ordinating the annual Service of Remembrance;
- maintaining the Rotunda Books of Remembrance; and
- provide bereavement training for staff.
Contact details:
Chaplain – [email protected], 01 817 1700 bleep 334