Information for pregnant women arriving to Ireland from Ukraine

We welcome you to Ireland. If you are currently pregnant, please be assured that the health services and the maternity services in Ireland are here to provide you with safe, high quality compassionate care.

Contact The Rotunda on 01 817 1700 or [email protected]

In the Republic of Ireland, care for pregnant women is free of charge under the Maternity & Infant Scheme. This service is provided by, a family doctor (general practitioner), and a maternity hospital of your choice. Having your baby in Ireland will not cost you any money

Please be aware that If you have immediate concerns regarding your pregnancy including,
• Vaginal bleeding,
• Waters have broken,
• Reduced baby movements,
• Known high risk pregnancy,
• Severe headache/Blurred Vision/Heartburn,
Please attend the nearest maternity unit immediately. You will be seen as an emergency case and your care managed appropriately.

Once you have arrived to your accommodation, please register with a GP in your local area. You should also contact your local maternity hospital to register for care during your pregnancy. When you contact the maternity unit, the following information will be required to enable you to register with them
• Name & Date of Birth
• New Address
• Next of Kin
• PPSN ( this is the number given to you by the Department of Justice/social protection when you arrived)

When you attend for your first appointment, you will meet a midwife who will ask you many questions- some of the information required will be, (please be assured that an appropriate translation service will be available)
• Gestation & LMP (If Known)
• History of this pregnancy to date
o Scans, blood tests, any complications
• History of any previous pregnancies including those that ended in termination or miscarriage
o History of all births including gestation at birth, type of birth, outcome for baby-
• Your own medical and surgical history
• Your family’s medical history
• Any medications that you are taking
• Any allergies that you have

More Information on Healthcare services for Ukrainian nationals in Ireland


Maternity Hospitals in the Republic of Ireland

There are 19 maternity hospitals in the Republic of Ireland. Please make contact with the maternity unit nearest to where you are staying. Below is a list of the maternity units with their contact numbers. All units have access to interpreters who will assist you when you present for appointments and care.

Co Dublin

Coombe Women’s Hospital Tel: (01) 408 5200


The National Maternity Hospital Tel; (01) 637 3100 Booking 01-6373288 or [email protected] 01-6373100, pager 185


The Rotunda Hospital Tel; (01) 817 1700 (appt scheduling) or email [email protected]


County Cavan

Cavan General Hospital Tel: (049) 437 6000

Maternity services is 049 4376613 – Maternity Ward, 049 4376612


County Cork

Cork University Hospital Tel : (021) 492 0500, or 021-492 0600 or [email protected].


Co. Kilkenny

St Luke’s General Hospital Tel; (056) 778 5000

056 – 7785252 Monday to Friday


County Galway

Galway University Hospital Tel: (091)524 222

Portiuncula University Hospital, Ballinasloe Tel (090) 9648200


County Kerry

Kerry General Hospital Tel: (066)718 4000 or (066) 7184324


County Laois

Midland Regional Hospital Portlaoise Tel: Monday-Friday (057) 869 6184 or (057) 862 1364


County Donegal

Letterkenny General Hospital Tel: (074) 912 588


County Limerick

University Maternity Hospital Tel: (061) 483 129


County Louth

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda Tel: (041) 983 7601


County Mayo

Mayo University Hospital, Castlebar Tel: (094) 9021733

Mon – Fri (094) 904 2000 and Bleep 673 or 700 this is the ADONM / CMM111 in an emergency or out of hours  Direct call to Delivery Suite (094) 904 2359/(094) 904 2360


County Sligo

Sligo University Hospital Tel:  (071) 917 1111 or (071) 9175493 or (071)-9174676


County Tipperary

South Tipperary General Hospital Tel: (071) 917 1111


County Waterford

University Hospital Waterford Tel: (051) 848 000


County Westmeath

Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar Tel: (044) 934 0221


County Wexford

Wexford General Hospital Tel: (053) 915 3000 or (053) 91 53368.