Welcome to the fourth edition of the Rotunda GP Connect
I am delighted to introduce this, our fourth edition, of the Rotunda GP Connect E-zine. This is a new effort by the Rotunda to reach out to our GP colleagues in the Rotunda catchment area in an effort to optimize the services that we provide for you and your patients, as well as providing practical educational resources that may assist in your day-to-day clinical practice. We have embarked on a major effort to improve our communication with GP practices, both in terms of more efficient referral pathways and more information on services available at the Rotunda. We have also taken steps to make it easier to access relevant on-line resources (www.rotunda.ie and www.rotundaprivate.ie), and our GP Liaison Relationship Manager (Eleanor Power – 087 194 8940) is available at all times to assist you in getting the most from the Rotunda.
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We are continuing our series of GP study evenings at the Rotunda, with the topics of presentations selected by our own GPs. The next GP study evening is scheduled for Wednesday October 3rd, 2018, and we would welcome as many of you as possible to attend. We encourage you to provide us continued feedback on areas of interest for your practice that we can assist with, either in terms of future GP study evenings or by direct contact from our consultants.
Additionally, we are excited to introduce a ground-breaking six part series on “The Rotunda” on RTE 2 Television, which highlights not just the day-to-day clinical activity at the hospital, but also the staff that make this such a unique and treasured Dublin institution.
We will also shortly be hosting our first Rotunda Hospital Maternity Open Day, on Sunday October 7th, 2018, which is designed as an informational event at which patients can attend a variety of talks on all aspects of fertility, pre-conceptional and pregnancy care.
In this edition of the Rotunda GP Connect E-zine, we have provided an update on the role of the Day Assessment Unit in assisting management of pregnancy complications, pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy, fetal growth restriction, and candida infection in pregnancy. We hope that this latest E-zine is of value for you and your practice. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any queries or if we can assist you in any way with your interactions with the Rotunda.
Best Wishes
Prof Fergal Malone
Master, Rotunda Hospital
In this issue:
Ms Michelle D’arcy, Senior Staff Midwife, brings us through the Day Assessment Unit.
Ms Cinny Cusack, Physiotherapy Manager, talks about Pelvic Girdle Pain and physiotherapy management.
Dr Richard Horgan, Consultant in Obstertrics, Maternal Fetal Medicine and Gynaecology, discusses Fetal Growth Restriction.
Ms Lisa Clooney, Antimicrobial Pharmacist, explores Candida infection in pregnancy.
As well as updates on our Maternity Open Day on October 7th, and news, events and awards from the Rotunda Hospital.