Babies who need special care

The Rotunda Hospital Dublin

Neonatal Unit

The Rotunda Hospital provides care for all newborn babies. Neonatal care means providing care for newborn infants in the first two weeks of life. In certain circumstances, we provide care for babies for a much longer period. Most babies are well at birth and are transferred to the postnatal ward with their mother where care is provided by midwives to the baby at the mother’s bedside. 

However, a small number of babies are admitted to our neonatal unit for intensive or special care. We also provide an outpatient service for babies requiring special follow up after discharge. The following pages have more information on each of these areas.

Visiting policy

For the most part, only parents may visit and this is to help reduce the risk of infection for sick newborn infants.  If parents of babies who are in the unit for a long period of time cannot visit, they can nominate a person to visit in their absence.  A single use visitor card with be signed by the midwife in charge in advance and it must be presented to security on arrival at the hospital.  Other requests are reviewed on an individual basis.

There are certain times during the day when we restrict visiting, for example, during the daily medical ward round, the nursing handover and during some medical procedures.  If you visit during these times we will ask you to wait in the waiting room.

For further information:

Download our Parent’s Guide to the Neonatal Unit booklet Here.

Information on the support services available in the Rotunda is also available from the website:

The following links provide help and support to the families of preterm babies:

Paediatric Outpatients Department

The paediatric outpatients department provides follow up care for infants born at the Rotunda Hospital. There are over 1500 clinics every year, which cater for 11,000 visits to the department. This service includes providing follow up for premature and term infants admitted to our neonatal unit, baby checks, feeding advice, follow up of jaundice in addition to dedicated infectious disease and neurology clinics for infants with specific conditions. 

The clinic hours are Monday to Friday from 7.30 am – 3.30 pm. It is important that you bring your baby to the clinic for his/her follow up appointments and if you cannot attend for any reason please ensure that you contact the department at 01 818 1728 in advance to cancel and/or rearrange the appointment.

All services are appointment-led only. Please only attend the department if you, your Public Health Nurse or GP has been in contact with us on (01) 8171728 in advance and you have been contacted with an appointment date and time.

You should contact your GP immediately if your baby becomes unwell. The Paediatric Outpatient Department is not an Emergency Department and cannot admit for inpatient care. If your baby is experiencing respiratory symptoms, you should attend a paediatric hospital such as the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street.

The hospital provides an out-of-hours service for newborn babies up to 2 weeks of age by appointment only. If your baby is over 2 weeks old, you should attend a paediatric hospital such as the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, as the Rotunda cannot admit babies of this age. 

Our philosophy of care in the paediatric outpatients department is to:

  • Embrace and welcome diversity
  • Provide appropriate care, education, and follow up to all infants and their families
  • Promote health 
  • Empower and equip families and carers with the knowledge, and support to help their child achieve their maximum potential
  • Facilitate good communication between families, members of the health care team and outside organisations.

More Information on Paediatric Outpatient Department here.