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    Hospital security

    We have effective security arrangements throughout the hospital to protect patients, visitors, staff and property. We have alarm systems, access control and closed circuit television surveillance.


    The hospital will not accept responsibility if any of your belongings are lost or stolen during your stay in the hospital. You should leave any jewellery or other valuables at home to keep them safe while you stay in the hospital.

    • All hospital staff wear photographic identification.
    • Do NOT give your baby to anyone you do not know or cannot identify.
    • If you leave the ward at any time please make sure that the midwives know where you are going and how long you will be away.
    • For security reasons we have a baby tagging system within the hospital.
    • A member of the delivery suite staff will attach the tag to your baby’s ankle immediately after birth.
    • We only take off the tag immediately before your discharge from the hospital.

    We will not tolerate anyone behaving rudely or violently to our staff or other people in the hospital. Any visitor or patient who behaves in this way will be removed from the hospital. In order to protect patients, staff, visitors and property, security staff will report any incidents to the Gardaí immediately and we will bring charges against offenders.


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