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    The Rotunda is open to research proposals from researchers in diverse settings including industry, academic institutions, public health or other healthcare institutions. In addition to stand alone projects, the hospital welcomes proposals for participation in collaborative research on a regional, national or trans-national scale.
    The hospital is always mindful that the safety, privacy and dignity of patients must be protected and all research is conducted in compliance with the requirements of the hospital’s Research Ethics Committee. 

    The opportunity to participate in research studies is offered to patients on a volunteer basis only and many patients welcome the opportunity to take part. 

    The Rotunda Foundation generously support research and researchers in the Rotunda Hospital.  If you wish to donate to the Rotunda’s research activities please follow this link.

    For information and guidance on how to apply for research approval please see info on the Research Ethics Committee tab below.

    Please contact us if you would like to have an informal discussion on the possibility of siting your research in the Rotunda or including the hospital in a larger study.

    Contact details:

    Colin Kirkham,
    Research Officer.
    Phone 01 – 817 6813

    Email: [email protected]

    Research and Ethics Committee

    The primary role of the Research Ethics Committee (REC) is to protect the safety, privacy and dignity of patients and/or participants in research at all times. The Committee shall also ensure that research proposals are ethically and scientifically sound, compliant with all applicable legislation and in keeping with the ethos of the Hospital and its Charter. Researchers seeking to carry out research in the Rotunda Hospital must receive written permission from the Research Ethics Committee.

    All research proposals must be submitted to the Committee, using the REC Standard Application Form. Applicants should read the accompanying guidance manual before completing the form. Two copies of the completed form, along with 4 copies of any participant information leaflet(s), consent form(s) or other relevant documentation, plus a single copy of the signatory page, should be submitted to the Master’s Office at least eleven days prior to the REC meeting date. An electronic copy should also be sent to [email protected]

    Research Ethics Committee meetings are usually held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

    All applicants should seek the advice of the research officer at the earliest stage of drafting their research proposal. The research officer can help with the application process, and provide assistance with regard to research design, methodology, sample size estimates and statistics.  


    Link to REC  Standard Application Form

    Link to REC Guidance Document

    Link to REC Signatory Page and Checklist 2018

    Link to Participant Information Leaflet 2018 Template

    Link to Consent Form 2018 Template 

    Link to Consent Form (Retention of Tissue) 2018

    Link to Consent Form (Retention of Tissue – Genetics) 2018

    Should a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) or Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) be necessary, please see the HIQA guidelines below:

    Guidance on Privacy Impact Assessment in Health and Social Care HIQA 2017

    Privacy Impact Assessment Toolkit

    For more information contact us:

    Colin Kirkham,
    Research Officer.
    Tel: 01 817 6813

    Email: [email protected]

    Current Research Projects

    Please see the list of current research projects.

    Current Research Projects 


    in Research