The HSE has issued updated public health advice about what to do during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Key actions like knowing the COVID-19 symptoms, keeping good hand hygiene, and social distancing, as well as wearing face coverings in shops and public transport, will help us all weather this crisis and protect the most vulnerable in our communities and families.
COVID-19 & The Rotunda
Coming in to The Rotunda during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Rotunda continues to do everything it can to keep you, your family and our staff safe during the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, many women will still need to attend The Rotunda for antenatal appointments, giving birth, and in emergencies.
We are asking women attending the Hospital to contact us if ANY of the below apply to you. We have measures in place to protect you, other patients, and our staff.

When attending or visiting The Rotunda, please wear a mask or face covering.

1. If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19
2. If you have symptoms like;


A Cough

Shortness of Breath

Loss of Taste and/or Smell
3. If you have been in contact with a case of COVID-19

4. If you have been abroad in the last 14 days

5. If you are concerned you have COVID-19
If you are a partner or nominated companion, and any of the above apply to you, please DO NOT come in.
Tips to Keep You and Others Safe

If your due date is approaching, or you have a procedure coming up where you will be admitted to the Hospital, consider minimising the number of people you have contact with for the 14 days before you are admitted, if you are able. This could mean restricting visitors over to your house for the time being and not visiting others, or if you can, asking family members to help with groceries, or working from home if you’re able to, or avoiding public transport as much as possible. Any little thing you can do to reduce your risk of contracting this disease or passing it on is worth it.

Wear a mask/face covering, and wear it correctly. Masks are now mandatory when coming in to the Hospital, and we’ve been grateful for everyone’s cooperation with this. Masks/Face coverings reduce your risk of contracting the virus, and protect others around you as well. I would say protect others around you and also give some protection to yourself It’s incredibly important to wear a face covering correctly – i.e making sure it fits tightly to your cheeks, that it covers your nose and mouth, and fits under your chin. You should wear a mask/face covering when on public transport, when in shops and any other time where you think you might not be able to keep 2m social distance.

Keep your distance. Try and keep 2m between you and others, and avoid shaking hands and hugging.

Keep good hand and respiratory hygiene. Wash your hands properly and often. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze. Avoid touching your face, and clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
If you are a possible risk of transmitting COVID 19 then, it is very important that you let us know before you come in to the Hospital or to our community midwifery clinics for your appointments.
if you have been diagnosed with COVID, or you are awaiting a test result, or you have symptoms like fever, cough, shortness of breath or loss of smell or taste, or if you have been abroad in the last 14 days, or have had contact with a confirmed case -please Ring our COVID Helpline on 01 817 2575 and we can arrange your care to keep you and everyone else safe.
If you are worried about missing an appointment or missing any aspect of your care, please don’t worry, we will still see you. But it’s important to see you in as safe an environment as possible. We might just reschedule your appointment to a less busy day or time. These arrangements keep everyone safe while keeping our services running.
As the COVID Pandemic has continued, we’re seeing more and more women who have had COVID during their pregnancy, but have recovered by the time their appointments with us at the Rotunda come around.
It is really important that you let us know if you have recovered from COVID so that we can keep an extra eye on you and your baby during the remainder of your pregnancy. We may offer you some extra check-ups and scans and you may need some support from other members of our teams to help with your full recovery. If you have had COVID and have not yet told us, then please call our dedicated COVID helpline 01 817 2575 where one of our midwives will make all the necessary arrangements
The COVID-19 Booster Vaccine & Pregnancy
- book a vaccine appointment on a day and time that suits you
- go to a walk-in booster clinic
- call HSELive for an appointment on 1800 700 700
Some people may also be able to get a booster dose from their GP or a participating pharmacy.
The COVID-19 Vaccine & Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a recognised time of increased risk from COVID 19 to both the pregnant woman and her unborn baby. The Rotunda Hospital strongly recommend that all pregnant women, avail of vaccination, as soon as they are eligible to receive it.
As the vaccination programme opens up more widely, it’s now possible for pregnant women to register and access COVID vaccination directly through the HSE COVAX system.
The National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) recommends that pregnant women receive an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna),at anytime during pregnancy. NIAC suggest that pregnant women talk to their maternity care provider (GP, Midwife or Obstetrician) before accessing the vaccine. However, if women are happy with the information available from HSE and our websites then they can proceed and book an appointment for vaccination directly through COVAX via
If you’ve already had your first dose and are waiting on your second – the vaccination centre and the HSE have your details and will send you an appointment when available. Please note, the Rotunda has no input into the scheduling of second doses.
If you had your first dose while pregnant, but had to wait until after you had your baby for your second dose, please contact the HSE helpline to be offered an appointment – 1800 700 700
The COVID-19 Vaccine & Pregnancy
For most people, getting the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it is available is the safest choice. Pregnant women are offered mRNA COVID–19 vaccination at anytime during pregnancy following an individual benefit/risk discussion with their obstetric care giver
For those who are pregnant, or considering pregnancy, this can be a difficult decision as COVID-19 vaccines have not yet been studied in pregnant and breastfeeding people.
This decision aid is intended to help you make an informed choice about whether or not to get the COVID-19 vaccine before, during or after pregnancy
The Royal College of Physicians and the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have also prepared a helpful guide to come common questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine and pregnancy, including;
- What are the risks to a pregnant woman from COVID-19 infection?
- What are the benefits of getting the COVID-19 vaccine?
- What is the advice for pregnant women in Ireland and other countries?
- Is there a specific time in pregnancy to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
- What are the potential side effects?
- Can I breastfeed if I got the vaccine while I was pregnant?
- Do I need to leave any interval before getting pregnant?
- Does COVID-19 vaccine have any impact on fertility?
- and more.
Download the booklet under the Resources heading
A short video from Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Dr Nicola Maher, answering some common questions about the COVID vaccine and pregnancy.