The Rotunda Hospital Dublin
Visitor Information
The Rotunda Hospital has visiting policies in place so that we can maintain a safe and secure environment for women, babies, their families and staff by controlling the number of people moving through the hospital at any one time. We will always do our best to bring your partner in as early as possible during inpatient stays and as soon as it is safe to do so.
The Rotunda continues to make every effort to accommodate exceptions to our visiting policy on compassionate grounds when the need arises.
- One named nominated companion may join for booking visit, 20-22 week anomaly scan, early pregnancy assessment scans, labour & birth, on inpatient wards and the emergency room.
- For other routine Outpatient Appointments, one Nominated Support Person (NSP) may accompany to appointments.
- We encourage patients not to bring children where possible (but understand that patients may not have an option due to lack of available childcare).
- Paediatric Outpatients Appointments, is open for both Mum or Dad and support partner/significant other. We would ask that baby/infant siblings do not attend. If your or your baby are unwell please contact the POPD department to discuss with the nurse in charge.
Inpatient Ward Visiting Hours (GPN, Lillie, PSNT A&B & Gynae)
Monday – Sunday
- Nominated Support Person from 8am – 8pm.
- Patients will be issued with a second visitor card which may be used to allow a second visitor (Grandparents) to attend between 4pm – 8pm.
- Siblings of the newborn may visit between 2pm – 8pm but must be supervised by an adult, other than the mother, at all times. We encourage short visits by siblings where possible.
- No more than 2 people will be permitted to be at the bedside at the same time.
NICU Visiting Hours
Monday – Sunday
- Parents can visit from 9am – 7.30pm daily.
- Inpatients, may visit at any time. You can discuss this with the nurse looking after your baby as this may need to be tailored to your baby’s individual needs.
- Extended family, other children/siblings cannot visit the NICU.
- Parents may be asked to leave during ward rounds, nurse’s handover, or if there is an emergency on the NICU. We endeavour to keep these times to a minimum.
- Parents visiting the NICU will be required to perform hand hygiene as they enter into the unit and often during their visit. You will be advised about this by the NICU staff that are looking after your baby.
- If you are unwell or have respiratory symptoms we would advise you to contact the NICU to seek advice on visiting your baby.
More Information for Nominated Support Person (NSP)
Emergency Room: NSP may attend for consultation- children not permitted to attend.
Day Assessment Unit: NSP may accompany for consultation. Children (other than newborns) not permitted to accompany.
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit & Fetal Assessment Unit: NSP may accompany for scan appointments. Children not permitted to attend.
Support During Admission for Labour and Birth
The Rotunda Hospital has some of the oldest healthcare buildings in the world, and is uniquely challenged in providing 21st century healthcare in buildings that were constructed in the mid 1700’s. The Rotunda Hospital is also Ireland’s busiest maternity hospital with large numbers of women coming to us for care.
While our Delivery Suites were individually renovated in 2021 to the highest medical standards, they remain suboptimal in terms of size. The Rotunda Hospital is happy to continue to support and permit one named Nominated Support Person (NSP) to stay with any woman admitted to our Delivery Suites. One named Nominated Support Person (NSP) may accompany as appropriate for caesarean section.
Occasionally, we receive requests from patients who are seeking to have two support people with them for their labour and birth. This issue has been discussed at our Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) meetings as well as at our Executive Management Team (EMT) meetings.
The outcome of these discussions is that the Rotunda Hospital is unable to support requests for second support persons to attend our Delivery Suites. Our Delivery Suite staff look forward to meeting, supporting and caring for you when you are admitted for your baby’s birth.
I am currently pregnant and have tested positive for Covid – 19 what should I do?
- Isolate as per public Health advise.
- If you are greater than 24 weeks gestation please inform you healthcare provider. At Rotunda via email [email protected]
- If you have an appointment in the hospital during your isolation period please do not attend, email us the details and we will reschedule this appointment.
- Treat symptoms with paracetamol as per guidelines.
- If experiencing severe shortness of breath or chest-pain please contact your local GP or general hospital
- If you are concerned about your pregnancy .i.e.
- Your waters have broken
- You are experiencing PV bleeding
- You are concerned about your babies movements
- Please attend the hospital Emergency & Assessment unit, if possible please ring ahead to enable us to have an isolation room is available on your arrival.
Mobile Phone Use
You can use your mobile phone in some areas of the hospital to make calls or send text messages. You may charge your mobile phone at your bedside in the general maternity wards, public and private.
ATM’s & Luggage
There are numerous ATM locations within walking distance of the Rotunda Maternity Hospital.
We also have secure storage areas for luggage.
Safety Arrangements
From time to time it may be necessary to restrict visiting for example, due to high levels of illness in the community. .
No Smoking
The Rotunda Hospital is a Tobacco Free Campus. Smoking in the grounds of the Hospital, or near the entrances to the Hospital is strictly forbidden.
The Rotunda Hospital is on Parnell Square, just north of O’Connell Street. The main entrance is on Parnell Square West. Visitors can park in the front car park (entrance opposite Conway’s Pub) or in the back car park (entrance on Parnell Square West).
Monday to Friday: 4.30 pm to 11 pm
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays: 9 am to 11 pm
Fee: €6 per visit (only 50 cent, €1 and €2 coins are accepted) payable at the barrier on leaving
There is disc parking on the streets around Parnell Square. There are multi-storey car parks nearby such as the Ilac Centre, Parnell Street and Marlborough Street car parks.
There are specific disabled parking spaces beside the main hospital entrance.
Parnell Centre
The Rotunda’s patients, visitors and staff can park in the Parnell Centre car park for a maximum cost of €6.50 per day. The car park is a 5 minute walk from the hospital. The car park ticket must be validated by security staff in the hospital and you can pay at the pay stations on levels GA and 1A. The car park is open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
For further information, contact (01) 872 2413 or