
 – ‘Rotundapp’ is now available to download –

 The Rotunda Hospital, the world’s longest running maternity hospital, has today announced the launch of a new maternity and neonatal app demonstrating the hospitals commitment in innovation. ‘Rotundapp’ is the first app of its kind to be launched by an Irish maternity hospital and focuses on all aspects of pregnancy care, including a specialist neonatal information pack for parents of babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This innovative app delivers on the key strategic principles of the hospital’s Strategic Plan 2017-2021 by enhancing the patient experience for every woman that avails of services in the Hospital.

TheRotundapp’ provides relevant, integrated information to encourage women to become more engaged with their healthcare and wellbeing during their pregnancy. The app acts as a digital platform to deliver targeted and medically accurate information to women from preconception through to 6 weeks postpartum. It will complement the existing patient information leaflets that are provided by the hospital, enabling patients to have immediate access to information and an instant connection to advice from medical experts.

Commenting on the launch of ‘Rotundapp’, Professor Fergal Malone, Master of the Rotunda Hospital said: “We are delighted to announce the launch of ‘Rotundapp’. The app is designed to provide parents with easy access to information on the go. The new platform provides a wealth of information and advice on a wide range of relevant topics, from preconception right through to birth and post-natal care, ensuring continuity of care for our patients. The digital era patient is accustomed to having information at their fingertips and the ‘Rotundapp’ highlights our commitment to leading the way in digital innovation in the maternity space.

The maternity information pack includes advice on:

  • Staying healthy during pregnancy
  • Body response & infant development
  • Care options for pregnant women
  • Antenatal care
  • Pregnancy information and support
  • Problems and concerns in pregnancy

Professor Malone concludes: “In recent years, there has been an increase in the availability of medical information and advice online. The ‘Rotundapp’ is designed to ensure women and their families are receiving accurate and factually correct information from verified medical professionals.

Rotundapp is available on iOS via the App Store and on Android via Google Play