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PlAcental gRowth factoR in assessment Of women with preeclampsia To reduce maternal morbidity


Principal Investigator – Dr. Keelin O’Donoghue 

Coordinator: Luke Heaphy

PARROT is a multi-centre stepped wedge RCT of plasma PIGF (Placenta Growth Factor) measurement in women who present with suspected pre-eclampsia prior to 37 weeks gestation. The women who are at highest risk receive greater surveillance with a decrease in maternal adverse outcomes. Those at lower risk can be managed without unnecessary admission and iatrogenic pre-term delivery.

• To establish the clinical impact of plasma PlGF measurement in reducing maternal morbidity in women with suspected pre-eclampsia.
• To demonstrate that knowledge of PlGF measurement enables stratification of antenatal management for women presenting with suspected pre-eclampsia.

The INFANT Centre in Cork has recently participated in the PELICAN study, which rigorously evaluated PlGF in a prospective observational study. PELICAN reported high sensitivity in determining need for delivery for pre-eclampsia within 14 days of testing, considerably better than all other markers, either alone or combined.

With the promising results of the diagnostic accuracy study now available, we are therefore in an ideal position to perform the first RCT to evaluate the impact of knowledge of PlGF measurement on clinically relevant outcomes. The proposed PARROT trial will incorporate assessment of impact on maternal, perinatal and health economic outcomes.

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