The Rotunda Hospital Dublin

Your First Antenatal Visit

At your first antenatal visit, or 'booking visit', you will be seen by a midwife who will take a detailed history and assessment of your medical, surgical, obstetric and psychosocial condition. Following a review of the history, a care plan is chosen to meet your needs. It's important to contact us as early as possible when you find out you are pregnant so we can schedule your first visit with us.

Your First Antenatal Visit

We try to see women who present for a booking visit as quickly as possible.

In keeping with best practice guidelines we aim to see women for their booking visit between 12-14 weeks gestation. At this visit you will be seen by a midwife who will take a detailed history and assessment of your medical, surgical, obstetric and psychosocial condition.

Following a review of the history, a care plan is chosen to meet your needs. You are seen by a member of the medical team if further consultation is needed, to ensure the most appropriate care pathway for the pregnancy.

A baseline recording of blood pressure and a sample of urine (please provide a sample at each visit) will be taken. Blood samples are taken and a dating scan performed by an ultra-sonographer. 

Book your First Visit

Please contact us as soon as possible when you know you are pregnant.

You can book your First Visit by emailing us at [email protected] or phoning us on 01 873 0596

Email us to book your first visit
Call us to book your first visit

What happens at your First Visit at The Rotunda

Antenatal Care

Care Pathways

Following a review of your history, a care plan, or pathway, is chosen to meet your needs.

The ‘Supported Care Pathway’ is intended for normal risk women and babies. It is delivered by the Hospital and Community Midwifery team and GP.

The ‘Assisted Care Pathway’ is intended for mothers and babies considered medium risk, this care is delivered by Obstetricians and Midwives in the hospital setting and GP.

The ‘Specialised Care Pathway’ for high-risk mothers and babies is led by the Obstetric team and involves midwives as part of a multidisciplinary team. Care will, in the main, be provided in the hospital and may include your G.P.

A woman may need to transfer, either temporarily or permanently between care pathways if an emerging risk is found.

Antenatal Care

Blood Tests

With your written permission, several blood tests are taken. You will be happy to know that all these tests are usually taken at the same time. These blood tests will: 

  • Check your haemoglobin level (iron),
  • Check your blood group.
  • Check your rubella immunity (German measles).
  • Check for sexually transmitted infections. 
  • Check for sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia.
Antenatal Care

Additional Tests

Urine Tests

Your urine is checked at every antenatal visit. The two main tests are for protein and glucose (sugar).

Blood Pressure

Checking and recording your blood pressure at the first visit is important.

This first reading is used as a ‘baseline reading’. Every time your blood pressure is checked after that, it is compared to this reading.

Weight check

If you are of average height and weight, you can expect to gain about 10 – 15 kg (20 – 30 lbs) during the pregnancy. The only time that you are weighed in the hospital is at your first visit.

Finding Your Way to Your First Antenatal Visit

When attending the Outpatients Department, please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your appointment time.

Further Antenatal Visits

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Staying Healthy During Pregnancy

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Problems and Concerns

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