Rotunda Maternity Hospital

Welcome to The Department of Laboratory Medicine

The Laboratory Medicine services at Rotunda Hospital are committed to providing the highest quality diagnostic and consultative services for all its users and stakeholders.

Department of Laboratory Medicine

The Rotunda Department of Laboratory Medicine complies with the International Standard ISO 15189 (Registration Number 208MT), and the regulations, policies, and terms and conditions of both the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) and the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA).

Details of the Laboratory’s scope of accreditation is available on Rotunda Hospital Registration Number 208MT. The Laboratory has been approved to operate under Flexible Scope of accreditation. The master list of Flexible Scope is available on request from the Laboratory Quality Manager

This section contains information relevant to both patients and healthcare professionals. For patient information please navigate to bottom of this page; for all other information please read on and navigate to individual department sections.

Key Contacts


Title Name Phone contact Email
Lab director Dr Emma Doyle 8730700 (switch) [email protected]
Lab manager John O’Loughlin 8171762 [email protected]
Andrology Dave le Blanc 8730700 ext 1466 [email protected]
Biochemistry Gráinne Kelleher 8730700 ext 1345 [email protected]
Blood Transfusion Deirdre Murphy 8730700 ext 1464 [email protected]
Haematology Deirdre Murphy 8730700 ext 1464 [email protected]
Histology Kieran Healy 8730700 ext 1467 [email protected]
Microbiology and Serology Dave le Blanc 8730700 1464 [email protected]
Quality Manager  Susan Luke 8176872 [email protected]
HVO Rose-Maire O’Donovan 8176803 [email protected]
T&D Vacant- Contact John O’Loughlin 8171762 [email protected]
POCT  Lorna Pentony 8172569 [email protected]
IT Coordinator Mike Maher 8172569 [email protected]
H&S  Vacant – Contact John O’Loughlin 8730700 ext 1345 [email protected]
Surveillance Scientist Dave Le Blanc 8730700 ext 1464 [email protected]

CONSULTANTS: Contact the hospital switch board 8730700

Medical Departmental Consultant Nominated Deputy/Consultant Providing Cover
Biochemistry Dr Mohommed Elsmmak Dr Pat Twomey
Histopathology Dr Emma Doyle Dr Eibhlis O`Donovan

Dr Noel McEntaggart

Haemotology/Blood transfusion Dr Fionnuala Ni Ainle

Dr Barry MacDonagh

Dr Michael Fay Mater Hospital

Dr Mark Coyne Crumlin Paediatric Haematology Group (Benign)



Dr Richard Drew

Dr Edgar Mocanu

Dr Meaghan Cotter/Dr Deirdre Broderick

Contact Dr. Rishi if urgent

User Manual

The Laboratory User Manual – is available here   for download.

Latest blood collection tube guides are available at the following links – Adult & Paediatric.

The user manual contains useful information such as:

  • Reference ranges for all tests
  • Sample types required
  • Turn around times
  • Specimen draw orders
  • All quality aspects
  • Details of referral centres.

Places navigate to the relevant discipline where contact details, reference ranges,  request form downloads, active test downloads, and information about each individual department is available.

Laboratory Medicine


The haematology laboratory is part of the Clinical Directorate of Laboratory Medicine. The  laboratory provides a range of diagnostic and clinical services to Rotunda Hospital. The Department includes:

General coagulation
Specialist coagulation – acquired and congenital thrombophilia screening
Malaria screening
Adult haemoglobinopathy screening
Newborn haemoglobinopathy screening
Point of care
These sub disciplines allow for diagnosis of haematological abnormalities in pregnancy and the newborn. Antenatal and newborn haemoglobinopathy screening, and thrombophilia screening including required molecular diagnosis aids the diagnosis and management of patients.  The department complies with the International Standard ISO15189 and POC ISO 22870 standard, and the regulations, policies, and terms and conditions of the Irish National Accreditation Board. Contact: 01 817 6863

Clinical Team

Consultant  Haematologists:

Dr Fionnuala Ní Ainle

Dr Barry Mac Donagh

Medical Scientific Team

Chief Medical Scientist: Deirdre Murphy

Senior Medical Scientist: Natasha Drury

Senior Medical Scientist: Ellen O’Connor

Laboratory Medicine

Clinical Microbiology/Andrology

The microbiology laboratory provides a range of testing in the areas of bacteriology, serology, virology and andrology. The laboratory makes use of traditional culture techniques, as well as more advanced molecular methods and most recently the use of a mass spectrometer for identification of bacterial isolates. There is a 24/7 clinical consult service provided by the Clinical Microbiologist which supports the management of sepsis in neonates, women and also in issues relating to infection control.

The department complies with the International Standard ISO15189 and the regulations, policies, and terms and conditions of the Irish National Accreditation Board.

Clinical Medical Team

Consultant Microbiologist:

Dr Richard Drew

Dr Meaghan Cotter

Medical Scientific Team

Chief Scientist: David Le Blanc

Senior Scientist and Surveillance: Nicola Boran

Senior Scientist: Ailbhe Comyn

Senior Scientist: Sean Goodwin

Senior Scientist: Knowledge Denhere


Andrology Clinical Advice: Dr Edgar Mocanu

The laboratory provides an extensive array of microbiological and serological services.

Download the microbiology/serology repertoire here.

GP Information for Andrology

Test Repertoire for Andrology Click Here

Please read this letter posted to all users of the andrology service on 27th Jan 2020..

The request form is available  here and please also download the instructions here.

Note semen analysis for infertility / special clearance is by appointment only contact 01 8171739 to make an appointment.

A room, at the hospital, is available for sample collection  and can be booked when making the appointment.

Laboratory Medicine


The clinical biochemistry department provides a comprehensive repertoire of tests including:

Biochemistry : renal, liver, bone, cardiac function and glucose homeostasis
Endocrinology : reproductive function, thyroid function and tumour marker analysis
Point of Care Testing : blood gas and hemocue
The biochemistry department complies with the International Standard ISO 15189 (Registration Number 208 MT), POC accreditation ISO 22870, and the regulations, policies, and terms and conditions of both the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) and the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA).

Clinical Medical Team

Consultant Chemical Pathologist:

Dr Mohamed Elsammak

Medical Scientific Team

Chief: Gráinne Kelleher

Senior Medical Scientist: Sharon Campbell

POC Co-ordinator: Lorna Pentony

Laboratory Medicine


The blood transfusion department provides the following services to patients and clinicians of the Rotunda Hospital:

Antenatal group and screen on booking samples for the presence of irregular agglutinins and identification of RhD negative patients
Provision of an RAADP scheme to RhD negative antenatal patients
Aid in the prenatal diagnosis and monitoring of Haemolytic Disease of the Fetus /Newborn.
An intrauterine blood transfusion programme
Issue of blood and blood products to neonatal and adult patients
Estimation of fetal maternal haemorrhage using flow cytometery
Consultant advisory services
The department is accredited to the International Standard ISO 15189 and complies with the regulations, policies, and terms and conditions of both the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) and with the Minimum Requirements for Blood Bank Compliance with Article 14 (Traceability) and Article 15 (Notification of Serious Adverse Reactions and Events) of EU Directive 2002/98/EC. The laboratory also submits an annual report to the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) under the EU Blood Directive 2002/98/EC.

Clinical Medical Team

Consultant : Dr Fionnuala Ni Ainle

Consultant: Barry MacDonagh

Medical Scientific Team

Chief: Deirdre Murphy

Senior Medical Scientists: Deirdre O’Neill, Natasha Drury

Senior Medical Scientist / Deputy Haemovigilance: Emily Forde

Haemovigilance Officer: Rose Marie O’Donovan

Active Test Repertoire 

Laboratory Medicine


The histopathology department at Rotunda Hospital is comprised of the following subsections:

Surgical specimens
Non gynaecological cytology
Perinatal autopsy service
Placental pathology

The histopathology department complies with the International Standard ISO 15189 (Registration Number 208MT), and the regulations, policies, and terms and conditions of both the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) and the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA). A comprehensive perinatal autopsy service is provided which is not subject to INAB accreditation.

The laboratory provides diagnostic support for a range of gynaecological, maternity, and newborn patient groups.

Contact : 01 817 1739 ext. 1467

Clinical Medical Team

Consultant Histopathologists

Head of Department: Dr Emma Doyle

Dr Eibhlis O’Donovan

Dr Noel Mc Entagart

Dr Keith Pilson

Dr. Danielle Costigan

Medical Scientific Team

Chief Medical Scientist: Kieran Healy

Senior Medical Scientists: Lorna Thomas, Michael Smith